Esha Deol and Bharat Takhtani have announced their separation with an official statement and this wasn’t surprising at all. As there have been rumours of their separation for quite a time now. Both Esha and Bharat have been maintaining their distance from each other and have mutually decided to end their 12 years of marriage. As Esha and Bharat’s official statement of separation came out, this old video of Hema Malini has resurfaced online where the veteran actress is happily calling Bharat her son.
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Watch the old video of Hema Malini breaking down and calling Bharat Takhtani her son.
In this video, you can see Esha’s special message for mom Hema Malini during her appearance on the Indian Idol show where she calls her mom rock. Esha even recalls her wedding day and especially her bidaai time when her mom was being the tough person and not breaking down. This emotional moment left Hema Malini with a heavy heart and she broke down and thanked both Esha and Ahana for giving her lovely sons to their son-in-laws. She even thanked Dharmendra for giving her a beautiful family.
Esha Deol and Bharat Takhtani’s separation indeed will be a tough time and all the couple has requested is for privacy. Their mutual statement reads,” We have mutually & amicably decided to part ways.
Through this shift in our lives, the best interests and welfare of our two children is and will be of utmost importance to us. We would appreciate that our privacy is respected throughout . Thank you, Esha Deol & Bharat Takhtani
Esha Deol and Bharat Takhtani got married in 2012 and have two daughters Radhya and Miraya.
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