Yodha: Sidharth Malhotra is all set to win the audience’s heart with his upcoming new film. Directed by Sagar Ambre & Pushkar Ojha, Yodha features Sidharth as the main protagonist who is shown leading two lives. One where he is depicted as a true patriot, a soldier who can go to any extent to protect his country and its citizens. On the other hand, he is also accused of hijacking an airplane and termed as a traitor. Whether his character, Arun Katyal, is a traitor or a true patriot is something which we will only get to know on 15th March 2024 when the film will release in theaters. The makers have recently shared a video which gives us an insight into actor Sidharth Malhotra’s intense preparations which went into nailing the character, especially the action sequences.
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Yodha: Sidharth Malhotra’s Intense action preparation for Karan Johar’s film
Karan Johar’s team released the video below on their social media. The video starts with Sidharth Malhotra explaining why Yodha is a very important and special film to him. The actor revealed that for him, the character of Arun Katyal is a very fulfilling one as it has all the key ingredients, be it actions, emotions, and so on. The video also features glimpses where Sidharth is seen undergoing rigorous training of hand-to-hand combat & knife techniques. Not only this, but the actor also shared that he lost weight for the character of Arun. Action director Craig (also known for War, Pathaan, and Jawan) praises Sidharth’s ability to pick up action quicker than anyone in the game. Craig mentioned that the actor is a quick learner, and they had a memorable time training the actors. The video describes the amount of hard work and dedication a film’s crew puts in to ace even the smallest scene. Check out the video below.
The trailer of Yodha has left everyone in a frenzy. Be it the action sequences, the interesting storyline, or the on-screen chemistry between Sidharth and Raashii Khanna, audiences and trade experts are confident that Yodha will easily be one of the most celebrated movies of the year.
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