Bigg Boss 17: The Salman Khan-hosted reality show aired its last episode on January 28, 2024, with Munawar Faruqui lifting the trophy. The contestants are now busy giving interviews, focusing on their upcoming projects, and making frequent public appearances. Mannara Chopra, who came as the second runner-up on Bigg Boss 17, recently opened up about her love life and the type of person she prefers to marry in the future. As ardent fans of the reality show loved Mannara Chopra and Munawar Faruqui’s chemistry on the reality show and would often ship them together, they have now taken to social media once again, raising the scope of possibilities for Mannara and Munawar’s union.
Mannara Chopra wants to marry someone from THIS profession
In an interview with Filmygyan, Mannara Chopra opened up about what type of partner she prefers. The Zid actress stated that as of now, she is not looking to settle down; however, she does have certain preferences in mind when it comes to a husband or a boyfriend. The actress stated that she prefers someone from an IAS background when it comes to a life partner. Mannara stated that he should share a great bond with her family and should be quite knowledgeable. The actress added that her future partner should be honest and also love traveling the way she does.
Bigg Boss 17: Netizens ask ‘Ab Munawar Faruqui ka kya hoga’
As soon as Mannara’s video went viral, social media users asked what will happen to Munawar now. The comment section was filled with statements like how Munawar needs to study in order to be an IAS now, while others commented how Munawar is perfect for her. Check out the hilarious reactions below.
Post Bigg Boss 17, Mannara Chopra has shot a music video with fellow contestant Abhishek Kumar. As far as Munawar Faruqui is concerned, there were speculations that he may face legal wrath related to his 2021 case where he was accused of hurting religious sentiments. He is also rumoured to make a comeback to stand-up comedy.
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