Ranbir Kapoor and Sandeep Reddy Vanga have been trending ever since the release of Animal. The revenge action film has made close to Rs 1,000 crores at the global box office. Ranbir Kapoor’s performance as Ranvijay Singh Balbir has got tremendous response from the film. The movie is being discussed non-stop on social media. From its toxic masculinity to sexism and unabashed violence, Animal has got extreme reactions from people. But there is no doubt that no other film has sparked as much conversation like Animal. The interviews of Sandeep Reddy Vanga have also gone viral. The filmmaker with his unapologetic attitude has given many statements that too are being discussed in great length.
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Ranbir Kapoor texted Sandeep Reddy Vanga after Arjun Reddy
Sandeep Reddy Vanga said that Ranbir Kapoor had sent him a text after watching Arjun Reddy. The Vijay Deverakonda, Shalini Pandey film was also called out for its misogyny and toxic masculinity. But Arjun Reddy became a bumper hit and was remade into Kabir Singh. Shahid Kapoor played the title role in one of the biggest hits of his career. Sandeep Reddy Vanga said that Ranbir Kapoor had texted him after seeing Arjun Reddy but he did not check the message. Later, RK showed it to him. Even Anil Kapoor had congratulated Vanga after the success of Arjun Reddy.
He said that he did not offer Kabir Singh to Ranbir Kapoor as he was clear that he would not work in a remake film. Now, fans are waiting for Animal Park which will come in a couple of years.
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